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Welcome to my BLOG... whatever that means

Welcome to my BLOG... whatever that means

Wow, who ever came up with the word blog…

Anyway, I am starting this because I have so much to share with everyone… thoughts, cool products, ideas, and loads more.

As most people know I run workshops such as my Waste free parenting and Living workshops, and Foodlovers Masterclass workshops for 40 councils all over NZ. I’ve recently included Waste Free Period education and motivational Business Waste events into what we do.

I love talking about new products and helping businesses. My roll over the years has changed so much from being The Nappy Lady, to now being more of a motivational speaker – and now I am even educating others to do public speaking and also working on behavior change programs and policies for other topics and education projects.

I love my job and all the companies who support me, and I am looking forward to being able to blog to my heart’s content about lots of products, ideas, and things I come across during my travels.

All the best, see you on the next blog.


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